Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Gutless Arseholes Parading In Public

 Sadly, it's becoming more common to see "activists" such as neo-nazis, Hamas supporters (most of whom parade under a different guises) and other such groups, whose members are so brave that they feel it necessary to cover their faces in public. Yet, the state and federal governments do nothing to prevent it. 

This is why I call the lot of them gutless arseholes.

Protesters should have the right to protest, regarless of why they feel the need to do it, but they should NOT have the right to hide their identities, nor should they have the right to damage public property, assault the public or police for any reason and neither should they have the right to hinder traffic or the public for any reason. These arseholes are NOT special, so they should not be allowed to cause any public nuisance whatsoever.

I think that it's time for both the state and federal goverments to create stricter legislateion to control these arsehole "activists" or protesters. Sadly, apart from just being gutless, our politicicians are also just plain lazy. We are supposed to be a free country, so the parading arseholes should be allowed to protest, but NOT hiding their faces, NOT damaging property, NOT assaultint members of the public nor the police and NOT causing any public disruption. There are already laws that prevent the public from acting in the activities that I have just listed and if we break those laws, we are, or can be, fined or imrisoned, as we should be.\

So, why aren\t the authorities applying these laws to contol these aesehole "avtivists" and protecters? It seems to me that the "avtivists" and protestesters, who feel the need to cover their faces and our politicians, who sit on their fat arses and do nothing are all equally gutless.

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